OP Mainnet


Schemas define the structure and type of data that can be included in an attestation.

Below you will find a list of relevant schemas that are being used on OP Mainnet. Schemas are built using the Ethereum Attestation Service (opens in a new tab).

General Schemas

Schemas related to project creation and Retro Funding application

Project and Organization identifier (opens in a new tab)

Used as the unique identifier for projects and organizations created on or after 23 August 2024. For projects created earlier, please see the archived section at the bottom of this page.

Schema UID0xff0b916851c1c5507406cfcaa60e5d549c91b7f642eb74e33b88143cae4b47d0
IssuerAttestations issued as part of Retro Funding sign up are issued by 0xF6872D315CC2E1AfF6abae5dd814fd54755fE97C
farcasterIDThe Farcaster id of the individual who created the project or organization
type"Project" or "Organization"

Organization Metadata (opens in a new tab)

Used to associate metadata to an organization. Re-issued each time there is a change to metadata

Schema UID0xc2b376d1a140287b1fa1519747baae1317cf37e0d27289b86f85aa7cebfd649f
IssuerAttestations issued as part of Retro Funding sign up are issued by 0xF6872D315CC2E1AfF6abae5dd814fd54755fE97C
RefUIDThe attestation UID of the organization this metadata relates to
farcasterIDThe Farcaster id of the individual who published the organization metadata
nameThe name of the organization
projectsThe array of projects that belong to this organization
parentOrgUIDThe attestation UID of this organizations's parent, in case it has one
metadataTypeHow the metadata can be accessed. 1 for ipfs, 2 for http
metadataUrlThe storage location where the metadata can be retrieved

Project Metadata (opens in a new tab)

Used to associate metadata to a project. Re-issued each time there is a change to metadata.

Schema UID0xe035e3fe27a64c8d7291ae54c6e85676addcbc2d179224fe7fc1f7f05a8c6eac
IssuerAttestations issued as part of Retro Funding sign up are issued by 0xF6872D315CC2E1AfF6abae5dd814fd54755fE97C
projectRefUIDThe attestation UID of the project this metadata relates to
farcasterIDThe Farcaster id of the individual who published the project metadata
nameThe name of the project
categoryThe category of the project
parentProject RefUIDThe attestation UID of this project's parent project, in case it has a parent
metadataTypeHow the metadata can be accessed. 1 for ipfs, 2 for http
metadataUrlThe storage location where the metadata can be retrieved

Retro Funding Application (opens in a new tab)

Used to identify a project's application to a specific Retro Funding Round.

Schema UID0x88b62595c76fbcd261710d0930b5f1cc2e56758e155dea537f82bf0baadd9a32
IssuerAttestations issued as part of Retro Funding sign up are issued by: 0xF6872D315CC2E1AfF6abae5dd814fd54755fE97C
roundThe round number for which this application was submitted
projectRefUIDThe unique identifier of the project that submitted this application
farcasterIDThe individual that submitted this application on behalf of the project.
metadataSnapshot RefUIDThe project metadata at the time the application was submitted.

Retro Funding Application Approval/Rejection (opens in a new tab)

Used to identify which Retro Funding applications have been approved or rejected.

Schema UID0x683b1b399d47aabed79c9aa8f2674729021174b6e5cce1e20675eab404fc82d6
IssuerCurrently, the Optimism Foundation issues these from the following address: 0xE4553b743E74dA3424Ac51f8C1E586fd43aE226F
projectApplicationUIDThe unique identifier of the projects Retro Funding application.
StatusThe status of the Retro Funding application.
ReasonIdentifier for the reason an application was rejected. 1 = "Duplicate Application", 2 = "Deceiving Badgeholders", 3 = "Spam", 4 = "Not meeting eligibility criteria"

Retro Funding Rewards (opens in a new tab)

Used to identify the reward amount each approved project received in a Retro Funding round

Schema UID0x670ad6e6ffb842d37e050ea6d3a5ab308195c6f584cf2121076067e0d8adde18
IssuerCurrently, the Optimism Foundation issues these from one the following address: 0xE4553b743E74dA3424Ac51f8C1E586fd43aE226F
refUIDThe UID of the Retro Funding application
projectRefUIDThe unique identifier of the project
roundThe retro round for which the project was rewarded
OPamountThe amount of OP awarded to the project

Schemas related to roles and contributions

Citizens (opens in a new tab)

Citizen attestations were first issued in Season 6 and are used to represent Citizenship separately from the ability to vote in a specific Retro Round. The resolver contract checks that the issuer is the Foundation with following address 0xE4553b743E74dA3424Ac51f8C1E586fd43aE226F

Schema UID0xc35634c4ca8a54dce0a2af61a9a9a5a3067398cb3916b133238c4f6ba721bc8a
FarcasterIDThe Citizen's unique identifier
SelectionMethodA Code representing the method through which the Citizen was selected. Codes beginning with the number 1 refer to various flavours of Web of Trust selection.

Retro Funding Voters (opens in a new tab)

These attestations are voting Badges issued for Retro Round 5 and beyond. They are different from the previous schema (opens in a new tab) to include new fields like votingGroup, used to assign voters to sub-categories in the round.

Schema UID0x41513aa7b99bfea09d389c74aacedaeb13c28fb748569e9e2400109cbe284ee5
FarcasterIDThe voter's unique identifier
RoundThe round number for which this voting Badge was valid
voterTypeGuest or Citizen
votingGroupUsed to assign voters to subcategories in case the Round has subcategories
selectionMethodThe method in which this voter was selected

Retro Funding Governance contribution (opens in a new tab)

Schema UID0x3743be2afa818ee40304516c153427be55931f238d961af5d98653a93192cdb3
IssuerCurrently, the Optimism Foundation issues these from one of the following addresses: 0x621477dBA416E12df7FF0d48E14c4D20DC85D7D9 or 0xE4553b743E74dA3424Ac51f8C1E586fd43aE226F.
IssuerCurrently, the Optimism Foundation issues these from one of the following addresses: 0x621477dBA416E12df7FF0d48E14c4D20DC85D7D9 or 0xE4553b743E74dA3424Ac51f8C1E586fd43aE226F
RecipientThe address of the individual who made the contribution
Rpgf_roundThe round number for which this contribution was made
RetroPGF_ContributionThe type of contribution made

Governance contribution (opens in a new tab)

Issued to those who held governance roles in the Collective, such as Grants Council members.

Schema UID0xef874554718a2afc254b064e5ce9c58c9082fb9f770250499bf406fc112bd315
IssuerCurrently, the Optimism Foundation issues these from one of the following addresses: 0x621477dBA416E12df7FF0d48E14c4D20DC85D7D9 or 0xE4553b743E74dA3424Ac51f8C1E586fd43aE226F.
IssuerCurrently, the Optimism Foundation issues these from one of the following addresses: 0x621477dBA416E12df7FF0d48E14c4D20DC85D7D9 or 0xE4553b743E74dA3424Ac51f8C1E586fd43aE226F
RecipientThe address of the individual who made the contribution
govSeasonThe season the individual held the role
govRoleThe role held by the individual

Archived Schemas

These schemas are no longer being actively issued, but capture valuable historical data.

Retro Funding Badgeholders (opens in a new tab)

These attestations are considered "voting Badges" and allow an individual to vote in any given iteration of Retro Funding. They were used up to and including Retro Round 4.

Schema UID0xfdcfdad2dbe7489e0ce56b260348b7f14e8365a8a325aef9834818c00d46b31b
IssuerCurrently, the Optimism Foundation issues these from one of the following addresses: 0x621477dBA416E12df7FF0d48E14c4D20DC85D7D9 or 0xE4553b743E74dA3424Ac51f8C1E586fd43aE226F
RecipientThe Badgeholder's address
rpgfRoundThe round number for which this voting Badge was valid
referredByIn early rounds, new Badges were issued by referral. This field captures the address of the referrer, if there was one
referredMethodIf this voting Badge was issued by referral, this field captures the referral method

Project Identifier (opens in a new tab)

Used as the unique identifier for projects created in the Collective before 23 August 2024. Attestations issued from this schema prior to 23 August 2024 are still used as the unique identifier for projects. New projects created after 23 August 2024 use the new entity identifier (see above).

Schema UID0x7ae9f4adabd9214049df72f58eceffc48c4a69e920882f5b06a6c69a3157e5bd
IssuerAttestations issued as part of Retro Funding sign up are issued by 0xF6872D315CC2E1AfF6abae5dd814fd54755fE97C
farcasterIDThe Farcaster id of the individual who created the project

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